Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A few more things...

For his reflux update look at the previous post, I wanted to post a few pics as well...

When I was looking back through the pictures, I thought about a few more things. He had to be under the "billy" lights for his jaundice for about a day, and it was just funny because he always had his hands up and looked like he was sunbathing.

We would be remiss if we didn't post a picture with the Bronco's blanket. And, he's in a BIG boy bed! And I mean BIG! They didn't put him in the little beds they usually put babies in because they didn't think he'd fit that well so he gets a special bed! He also gets to wear "real" clothes now so thanks to the Karen and Ephraim, Bruce has some clothes! :-)


krazy karen said...

GO BRONCOS :) he is starting out on the right path :) He is adorable! We'll keep praying!