Monday, March 12, 2012

New Car Smell

This post is all about keeping it real.  The new car smell has worn off a little, everything's not covered in rainbows and no one's ridden up on their unicorn lately.  I'm feeling disconnected from my old home and not fully connected to my new one yet.  I'm living in a little limbo right now.

Truly, I think I'm ready to get this show on the road.  Let's have some big loud boys in our house!  We have this nice big house and it's very very quiet.  Well, as quiet as it can be with a 3 year old that never (seriously, NEVER) stops talking.  We drove to Austin today, we walked around Ikea for awhile, then we went to HEB to get coffee and then we came home and played outside for awhile.

As I sat reflecting on our day...unintentional reflection....our Hulu wouldn't connect to the internet so we had to wait for Grey's Anatomy....yes, my first world problems! :-)  Anyway, reflection, I began thinking about how its going to take some readjustment to be content in the quietness.  We lived a very filled (not full) life.  There was something going on pretty much every night of the week. I was craving quiet, peace, change.  It's here.  Now, remembering to pay attention to these blessings is on my to do list.


Gena @ Life With Captain Fussybuckets said...

This will be a completely random comment, but I saw that Esther read commented on your blog, so I had to check it out. I met you and Greg back freshman year at ACU. You probably don't remember me,! You are houseparents where WE were houseparents just a little over a year ago. I'm so excited for y'all because Cherokee was such a huge part of our lives. Our oldest son loved it and still talks about it to this day. The people there are awesome and so are the kids! Wow! Big, huge congrats and best of luck!!!