Wednesday, September 1, 2010

We're okay...

Since I know most everyone that reads this has heard about ISD's troubles, I figured I'd share our spin on it and what this means for us.

We knew ISD was having financial problems due to a lack of work which can most definitively be attributed to the dragging economy.  ISD has done well to keep its head above water for a while now, but as of yesterday the operating budget far exceeded any predicted money coming in.  This meant major cuts and unfortunately the San Antonio office was one of the major cuts.  Many many people both here and in the Baton Rouge office are being impacted by this. 

I'll admit, when I first found out, I was SO overwhelmed.  Its a stressful thing to think that we're losing one of our sources of income.  Greg has put many many hours into that company and its unfortunate that this is the position ISD has been put in.  I know they did their best for a long time to prevent this.  We'll be okay, I have a great job and we'll survive.  We've been trying to live on less and have both cars paid off so we're in a better position today then if this had happened a year ago.  Greg's deciding where he wants to go from here, and that will likely be school.  He knows he wants a different industry, but needs additional schooling to make that happen.  He has an appointment today to figure out what that means for him.

We're thankful for what ISD provided to us the past 4 years and pray for the other families who are in far more stressful situations this morning.


krazy karen said...

Thank you Allison and I am praying for a smooth transition for you guys as well, change is never really easy, but God is in it!