Thursday, July 15, 2010

Can I just say...

that I love, love, LOVE Dr. Askew!  She's such a great doctor, if you're in San Antonio and need a new lady doctor, see her.  I had the pregnancy confirmed last week and went in this morning to have a check up and schedule my sono.  She was so funny, she came in and gave me a big hug and just sat down and talked to me, answered all my questions, and didn't make me feel silly for my neurosis! :-)

I go next Friday for the sono, definitely excited to do that.  I'm continuing to take Metformin at least through the first trimester and potentially through the first 20 weeks.  I talked with her about the mega gastrointestinal issues I've been having so we're lowering the dose of Metformin to hopefully combat that a little.  Overall this pregnancy has been a lot different then last time.  While I've had some pretty bad food aversions, the mega morning sickness of last time hasn't shown up yet.  I've also been tired this time, but not like last time when I couldn't even stay away past 7:00...that's been a welcome unexpected change!  I have no witty banter (or more often than not, "un"-witty banter) today, but I do have an awesome sewing project I'm working on that I'll hopefully show off soon!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I will be praying for a healthy pregnancy. God is faithful...God is good!!!
Katie Miles