Friday, July 23, 2010

Houston we have a heartbeat!

Yippee!  Thanks to those of you who sent notes and texts and calls.  I really appreciated it!  I wasn't trying to be cryptic, there were just some problems with my hormone levels that caused Dr. Askew to be concerned about the viability of the baby.  Today's ultrasound was really important to determine next steps and make sure the baby was still viable.

That being said, baby was great, measuring a little smaller than originally thought, but other than that just great!  Heart rate was 132, and my hormone levels seem to be responding to the medicines I'm taking.  I will continue taking a few different medicines through at least the 1st trimester and some to continue through 20 weeks.  And I should also note there was only ONE baby in there! :-)  I was a little worried since I seem to be showing a lot more this time than last and I was taking fertility medications...

Thanks again to everyone.  I know there are so many of you who have been praying for us as we got to this stage in our journey.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Prayer Request

If you happen to see this before 9:30 tomorrow (Friday), please say a prayer for me.  Going in for my first ultrasound and feeling anxious.  Some things have developed and we're going to get some things tested and figured out tomorrow...don't feel like sharing with the entire blog world, but as I said...please say a prayer for us.

Will try and update after the appointment tomorrow.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Can I just say...

that I love, love, LOVE Dr. Askew!  She's such a great doctor, if you're in San Antonio and need a new lady doctor, see her.  I had the pregnancy confirmed last week and went in this morning to have a check up and schedule my sono.  She was so funny, she came in and gave me a big hug and just sat down and talked to me, answered all my questions, and didn't make me feel silly for my neurosis! :-)

I go next Friday for the sono, definitely excited to do that.  I'm continuing to take Metformin at least through the first trimester and potentially through the first 20 weeks.  I talked with her about the mega gastrointestinal issues I've been having so we're lowering the dose of Metformin to hopefully combat that a little.  Overall this pregnancy has been a lot different then last time.  While I've had some pretty bad food aversions, the mega morning sickness of last time hasn't shown up yet.  I've also been tired this time, but not like last time when I couldn't even stay away past 7:00...that's been a welcome unexpected change!  I have no witty banter (or more often than not, "un"-witty banter) today, but I do have an awesome sewing project I'm working on that I'll hopefully show off soon!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


If your ISD husband (since Greg's told the whole office) hasn't already called and told you...the big news is...I'm PREGNANT!  Yippee!  I'm barely pregnant...just about 5 1/2 weeks.  Last time around we waited until after the first ultrasound to really tell people, but this time my pants are already tight and I already have morning sickness so I don't think its going to be a secret much longer. Plus it was easier to wait last time around since I was further along when I figured out I was pregnant! :-)

Looks like all the medicine kicked in!  Would appreciate all of your prayers, I tend to be a bit of a nervous wreck during the first trimester.  I'm just so worried something will go wrong and we'll start this whole process over again!  I also didn't want to tell people because in my twisted little brain, if we tell people then we might jinx it.  Strange, I know.  Greg was the one that decided he wanted to tell his office, and since most of my readers are married to people Greg works with it was only a matter of time before all of you knew too!