Saturday, August 30, 2008

I'm addicted...

To Nintendo Wii. I have even been caught nursing Bruce with the Boppy while playing Nintendo over his head. No, not Wii Sports, MARIO BROTHERS! Oh how I've missed Mario!

That's my dirty little secret. I'm in love with Mario. It all started when my parents bought one of the original Nintendos way back when. From there we all got Gameboys and it's been history since then. I'm ashamed/a little proud to admit that I've owned every version of the Gameboy.

There, I've said it, now you all know my dirty little secret!


Anonymous said...

Yay for Mario Brothers! We got a Wii a couple months ago, but since Tim grew up a Zelda addict, guess what we HAD to start with? Mario's next, though... Love you!