Sunday, July 6, 2008

I'm behind...

So this is going to be a mega post!

First: San-Abil-Stin

Last weekend we did the grand tour. Friday night we went out to dinner at our favorite Thai restaurant (Jasmine Thai here in SA) where we got halfway through dinner and realized we'd left ALL pacifiers at home. From that point on we inhaled our food and got out of there as quickly as we could. Bruce was actually really well behaved, but we knew that could change in an instant and without a plug we could have been in big trouble. There are now about 8 pacifiers in the diaper bag! :-)

Next was Abilene. We drove up Saturday morning for Abilene to surprise one of my college roommates. It was her bridal shower so Greg, Bruce and I headed west. This is a big deal since Greg has only been to Abilene once since we moved (my sister's graduation). He's just not a fan of the city anymore... it's a long story. Anyway we had an AWESOME time surprising Lindsey and getting to see some of our other closest ACU friends. It really was a great time reminiscing and retelling all the stupid/funny things we did in college...most of them were stupid/funny things Greg did during college. I'll quickly share a favorite: Greg went through the campus center window one evening as he was headed to the cafeteria for dinner. That story lives on in infamy!

Here are some pics:

Heather with Bruce (AKA the one who made him famous in my previous post). There are some great college stories about Heather too...wrench through window...stove on all of spring break...tomato soup and green beans...all for another occasion! :-)
Here's Lauren with Bruce. She doesn't have quite as many funny stories...well she does but most aren't appropriate for the blog! :-)

Here's the group! First a comparison shot from when we were in college and then the shot from five years later!

Here's Josh with Bruce. Josh is Greg's longest friend that he still keeps in touch with! They knew each other back in high school and stayed friends all through college and now. That says a lot for Josh!

Next came Austin! Lindsay asked if we could stop through Austin on our way home. I mentioned this to Greg and he said, "oh, so she wants us to drive to Austin and then to SA." Yeah, Austin's not exactly on the way, but we love Auntie L that much! :-)

In order for Greg to make it he needed a drink and this is what he ordered. A MASSIVE iced tea from Chicken Express that forced us to stop 5 minutes from Lindsay's house because he couldn't make it all the way there. It was so big it had a handle! Ugh BOYS!

Here's Auntie L with Bruce. Important to note in this picture is that Bruce is swaddled in his car seat. We decided to try out the feature that allows him to be swaddled and buckled in and it worked! Big success...kept him quiet all during our nice dinner!

Next is Greg's birthday. We went out to Red Robin with Tim and Misty and then ice cream at Cold Stone. The best part of the evening was when they came to sing Happy Birthday to Greg. All the waitstaff was there and Bruce was asleep so we asked them to be quiet...they definitely whispered the happy birthday cheer while doing "golf claps" (y0u know, the ones where they aren't really clapping...also known as Vanna White clapping)! It was super funny, we were all cracking up!

Here's Tim feeding Bruce...see Tim, you can do can have kids!
Here's Misty with her current love affair:

This video is Tim trying to get Bruce to do his new trick. I read in a magazine that if you stick your tongue out then babies will mimic you. I thought that was total BS, but as it turns out...Bruce does it! It's just bizarre!

Finally is 4th of July. We went out to Boerne to watch their fireworks which is always an awesome show. It was BEAUTIFUL weather (after torrential rain hit...) and we had a great time with our friends April, Jason, Ciera, and Chase! Unfortunately we forgot to take pictures while it was still light out and this picture was taken after the torrential rain plus I forgot to put makeup on that day...Just preparing you!


Stefany said...

Loved the update post! JD and I will definitely need the details on that carseat swaddle...sounds like it will be good for travel. We will do dinner club at our house soon. Take care and have a great week!

Tara said...

Great recap! I enjoyed all the pictures.