So I've spent a lot of time on this blog bemoaning the fact that pregnancy is not fun... I read other people's blogs who are happy and LOVE being pregnant the whole time and all I think is, "my blog is way more entertaining..." I want to make it known officially (because blogland is about as official as things get right? Well blogland and facebook...) that I didn't HATE pregnancy. In order to prove that I've come up with a list of my favorite pregnant moments. I mostly wanted to write this so I don't forget them all.
1. Getting to tell my parents we were pregnant...screwed up scavenger hunt and all it was very exciting getting to tell them.
2. Getting to tell Greg's family. I put family becuase you never actually tell one person anything when you're with that bunch. It's almost instantaneous. Here's my funny memory about that (remember, MY blog...I get to write what I want. :-) ) Anyway, so we were planning on waiting a little bit after we got to Colorado, but we just couldn't. We were way TOO excited. We bought them a picture frame and bibs that read "I love Grandpa/ma." We give them the gift and Martha (MIL) opens it. She sees it, gets all excited and hugs us. Phil (FIL) takes it from her, looks at it, gets a confused look on his face, and then asks "wait, is this stuff for Grace (our neice)?" Martha swings around and pops him on the shoulder and says "NO, they're PREGNANT!" Greg and I started cracking up. I will say Phil got the same look on his face as he did the day I showed him my engagement ring. Not exactly happy...more like he might throw up!
3. Telling Lindsay. Man, what a nut! So I had been planning to wait until she got to SA, but I just couldn't because I stink at waiting. So we're talking on IM while I'm at work (through my cell phone mind you...) and she says she has to go so I quickly put "oh btw I'm pregnant" and then get offline. I was hoping she had to go to some meeting or something, but she was just going so she could go open her daily can of tuna for lunch! She immediately calls me and starts SCREAMING! I was SO surprised that she was so happy...I mean she doesn't even really like kids!
4. Karen telling all the DT's to pray for me when I specifically asked her and Lindsay not to tell anyone. It's funny now because having gone to ACU myself, there's always someone that knows us in most groups.
5. Okay and grouped together is calling Carrie (the very first person other than Greg and I to know) from work the day after I found out while sitting on the blue couches so that I didn't let everyone at my office know. And then following that would have to be calling Misty at 11:00 at night while Tim kept telling her "I know something you don't know!"
6. Hearing "It's a boy" at our 20 week appointment. I started crying. We really wanted a boy...we both really wanted to name him after Greg and my dad. I can't explain it.
7. Stretchy pants...enough said.
8. Having strangers help me get stuff like charcoal, cokes, etc. at HEB.
9. Strangely, getting to go the doctor's office. I REALLY liked all my doctors and it was always "fun" to get to go. Fun is in quotes because I'm sure you all remember how fun it got towards the end!
10. Getting to meet all those super cool nurses when I spent all that time in antepartum. I can't tell you how nice they were. Greg would go home to sleep and I'd still be there and they'd come talk to me and hang out. Super super women! The night before my c-section my favorite one came in and asked if I wanted her to get me chocolate cake, a milk shake, whatever so I could have something good as my "last supper." She was SO sweet. She'd always bring me chocolate milk every night (I had her during both hospital stays) to help with the heartburn since she figured out I didn't like regular milk.
11. My friend Amy bringing me tons of magazines and checking on me every day and updating my office when I got put on bed rest. Along with that is all my other friends calling, texting, emailing, coming by. It's so nice to feel loved. I got that a lot both before Bruce and after. That feeling of people genuinely caring about you and for you is overwhelming.
12. Watching Skyler "sit" and "lay down" when she came over and brought dinner. We were instructing Kaya (the dog) to do those things and out of the corner of our eye we realize Skyler's doing it! HILARIOUS!
13. Watching almost an entire season of Friends with Greg the night before Bruce was born. I was SO anxious and so he brought that up from home and we just laughed along and focused on being with each other. It is a very special night in my head.
14. Getting to actually see Bruce. I can't explain it... it really is a crazy feeling. (of course following all that is getting to hold him, love him, kiss him, touch him, etc.) It's just that very first time seeing him that will always stick in my brain.
And finally...
15. Telling all the people who told me I looked HUGE or that I was having twins that there was a reason why! Not many other people can say they had a 10 lb 10 oz baby. In fact I have yet to meet one...I hear a lot of, "oh my friend had a 19 lb baby" but no one's beaten me in person yet! :-)
last day of preschool
9 years ago
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