Thursday, May 1, 2008

Let the countdown begin!

Update from 5/1: Bruce went all night with only two events and they were both at feedings so the countdown has begun! 3-5 days with no events and he'll be home! Please pray HARD that he keeps up the good work! Today's a good day! (had to run home and get my cell phone so I had to quickly post my update...)

And something else to make you smile for one week old son is in size 2 diapers! They don't even have them in the NICU, when he runs out the nurse has to head over to the "regular" nursery to get him more!


Anonymous said...

Allison -- If you walk through the corridors to the children's hospital part of the hospital on the fourth floor there is a family resource room with computers to use. The sign in is by the nurse's station. HTH

Tara said...

Size 2--wow:-)! Archer can still wear size 2 and is almost in a 3. Baby Bruce is so handsome! What a cutie! We continue to pray for you all and hope he gets to come home soon.