Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Good Doctor's Appt

Well first off I know its been a while since I updated, my sister got onto me today...

I went to the doctor yesterday and everything was fine. Baby's heart rate is 158 so good and strong. Its relieving to hear the heartbeat since I can't really feel the baby yet. I say "can't really" because I'm not sure if the fluttery feelings in my stomach are the baby or if its other bodily functions (such as digestion...). Basically things are completely normal...despite who the father is. Okay, do y'all get that joke? When I told it at work everyone looked at me strange and then when I explained what I meant...they all went, "ohhhh, we thought maybe you just found out who the father is..." Okay these aren't random strangers that I'm telling the joke to, most have met Greg and those that haven't have heard enough stories about him to feel like they know him.

I did get to share all of the lovely symptoms I'm having with the doctor most of which were met with, "yep, that happens...not much we can do about it..." For example: crazy headaches; bruising from brushing up against, well anything; my hair falling out; nausea...Luckily nausea is something they can do something about. I'm now having what I like to call "reverse morning sickness". During the first trimester I would feel sick all the time except for about the 10 minutes after I ate. Now, I feel starving all the time and once I eat I feel awful. I'm throwing up far more now then I did before mostly because now there's a lot more food to throw up! Again I wonder, why do people do this more than once???

On that high note, I'll sign off. Well, that and to let you know the next appointment is December 14th where we'll find out the sex.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to find out what your having! I'll go ahead and guess girl because that's what I guess for everyone.

Anonymous said...

OK I just sent an email asking about when your next appointment is so ignore that! Can't wait to find out =) Sorry you're feeling sick again and even worse... how about the prescription Stef got? Is that an option? Praying for you!