Saturday, February 19, 2011

It has been an eventful week!

I went Wednesday for my 37 week appointment.  I was scheduled for a sonogram and an appointment.  I was already prepared for the "holy cow, your baby is huge!" talk that I would get from the sonographer (she was measuring over 10 lbs and the sonographer said she thinks that was even on the low side because she couldn't get all the measurements as big as Bethany was).  I got that all the time last time with Bruce.  I was not prepared to hear her say, "whoa, her heartrate is really high, I think the dr might make you deliver today!"  Of course Greg was not with me because he had stayed home to watch Bruce...I told him not to worry about coming because it should be a pretty routine appointment...should have known better!

Next comes waiting FOREVER in the waiting room with "chatty cathy" telling me all about the wedding of a mutual friend.  I really didn't care about the wedding, and it was just an annoying conversation...especially since I was typing out emails to my parents on my iPad, texting my sisters on my phone, and emailing work on my blackberry all while trying to act somewhat interested (AKA be polite) to this lady sitting next to me.  They finally get me back in a room and take my blood pressure and it is super high.  I did tell the nurse that it likely had something to do with the fact that the sonographer had just told me I would probably be having a baby that day...she agreed to let me lay down and come back and take it a bit later.  When she came back it had gone down a lot, but was still really high.

Then comes in Dr. Askew.  She's concerned about the blood pressure and more concerned with Bethany's heartrate.  She then tells them to get me all hooked up to the non-stress test machine.  I get all hooked up and Bethany's heartrate continues to hover in the 190's...but she is moving like crazy.  Eventually she settles down some and her heartrate goes back down to the 160's/170's.  And then...I get forgotten about.  I'm sitting in a little closet (AKA NST room), in what basically looks like an dentist's chair with stirrups just waiting and waiting.  Luckily Bethany saved the day by getting hiccups which were so loud on the machine they remembered me!  Askew made it back in, agreed to let me go home as long as I promised to be on STRICT bedrest.  Yay.  Oh well, at least I got to go home!  I also had to do the 24 hour urine collection again.  Yay.  Again, just glad I got to go home. She also said we'd move the csection date up to 38 weeks instead of 39.

Then yesterday (Friday), I called the office because I realized they never actually scheduled my csection...they just scheduled my followup appointment on the day I was supposed to have a csection. The nurse was pretty rude and just brushed me off saying they'd call me back, I pushed her and made her guarantee someone would call me back that day.  Well then I started realizing I wasn't feeling great and took my temperature.  I had a low grade fever, and I took my BP again and it had gotten pretty high (167/90), and I had the dull headache and squiggly eye things.  So I called the office again and they told me to head over to labor and delivery.  I first took a shower (in case Bethany was making her grand entrance), we got Bruce all dropped off at Mom's (she came back early) and got all checked in at the hospital.  They got me all hooked up to the machines.  Bethany's heartrate looked good, my BP was high but not outrageous, and I still just had a low grade fever.  I was having contractions, but not steadily.  Askew came by and we chatted, she said she was happy to deliver her today if I wanted.  I did not.  I do not want to do the NICU thing again if we can avoid it.  Ultimately we spent about 3 hours at the hospital, but the good news is they sent me back home.  I also felt better because we got my csection all scheduled at the hospital and I'm all ready to go!

So, very long story to say: Bethany will be making her grand entrance on February 23rd at approximately 1:00 pm!  (all assuming I don't go into labor...)


team shafer said...

The 23rd is Marc's b-day! It's a good day to have a baby. :) I will be praying for you this week and can't wait to hear about the arrival of Bethany. You have had a crazy week and I hope you are able to relax & rest a bit before her grand entrance! :)

Tara said...

So excited your sweet girl will be here soon! Can't wait to see pictures and meet her too.

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

Congratulations on the arrival of sweet Bethany. She was born on Kyle's and my 20th Anniversary! Fantastic day to be born!