Well it's been a while. Not for lack of stuff, but more out of sheer laziness. I have not been nearly as good at updating or quite as cynical this pregnancy as I was last time. I just went back through and was reading about when I was pregnant with Bruce. Really I was trying to remember when everything started going south in the pregnancy.
Looks like I'm heading down the "pre-e" (preeclampsia) road again. I went to the dr a couple weeks ago and my blood pressure was elevated, very elevated and I had trace protein in my urine. Yay. So I got to do the 24 hour urinalysis...only good thing was I got to do it from home this time instead of in the hospital. So I stayed home from church a few weekends back since I couldn't get very far away from my bathroom. Yay again. Well those results came back normal, for real yay now! :-)
Well I went back last Thursday (right before Christmas) and my BP was still high, even higher now. But I really do have bad white coat syndrome, plus I was stressing myself out about how I really needed it to be lower and of course that doesn't help. Well luckily I had bought a BP monitor and have been taking it at home and it's been significantly lower at home so Dr. Askew was cool with letting me postpone bedrest/modified work schedule a while longer. I am officially 30 weeks today, only 9 weeks left until scheduled c-section (March 2nd), but we may have her earlier just like Bruce. Here's hoping she stays in long enough to avoid the NICU.
Oh and since I never updated after my last post about GD, I don't have it. Passed the 3 hour with no problems.
last day of preschool
9 years ago
I've been wondering how things are going - so glad to hear you don't have GD. Not glad to hear about Pre-E, will be praying for you!
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