Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Busy weekend...

Friday was Halloween and those pictures are posted below...Then on Saturday we went to Greg's cousin's daughter's tennis match. Say that three times fast. They live in Corpus and were up here for regionals so we headed that way to cheer Kemper on!

Here's Bruce with Kemper after she won her doubles match:

Here's Bruce with Paige (Greg's Cousin):

Here's Kemper holding Bruce while he tries out his first apple slice. He just sucked it and got himself sticky, but he enjoyed it.

Bruce had a big football weekend. First he went over to Francie and Pop's house Saturday night to watch the UT/Texas Tech game. Despite the orange shirt, Bruce was cheering on Texas Tech in honor of his good friend Case. Despite his parent's utter dislike for the Red Raiders, Bruce insisted he cheer them on because he likes Case so much. (The random things on the couch are bean bags that Karen had to sew for school...I don't ever remeber having to do that for a finance degree...apparently elementary ed majors get to take classes in juggling.)

Next he's been cheering on his favorite D2 school, ACU! They're doing really well...ranked Number ONE! Go Wildcats! In their honor he wore his ACU outfit to church on Sunday.

Then the Bronco's played Sunday afternoon so of course he had to have an outfit change. We won't discuss how the Bronco's are doing...

Finally, I put Bruce in his bouncy seat whenever I need some time without him attached to me... I was trying to get stuff done in the kitchen and could hear him fussing. I kept calling out to him, "Bruce, you're just fine..." After a minute or so I went to see what the fuss was about and this is what I found. In case you can't tell, he'd gotten his foot stuck in the ring. Silly boy!